With the Borough Elections in May looking increasingly difficult, it is vital we maintain a Conservative Council within the Constituency. Welwyn Hatfield should carry on showing the UK how responsible spending programmes and opportunities for all can have a positive impact on the quality of life locally. But just take a moment to picture what would happen with a Lib/Lab Council!
With Conservatives out, your council tax would rocket, and Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonald and Diane Abbot would be one step closer to Downing Street! We cannot let this become reality.
Which is why we are starting this year's MPACT with a focus on defending the marginal council seats we hold and fighting back where we are not the incumbents.
Can you join us on Saturday 27th January?
For more details please email [email protected]
There's nothing inevitable about the council being taken over. We owe it to hard-pressed residents to explain why they can't afford to risk it. Please join me on 27th.