Local MP Grant Shapps took to the knitting needles in the Thursday knitting workshop at his constituency office, under the watchful eye of tutor Louise Smith. Grant was also joined by Welwyn Hatfield Times journalist Ewan Foskett, who tried knitting for the first time, in support of 'Wel Hats', a campaign aimed at mobilsing the community to knit hats for troops in Afghanistan.
This forms part of a much wider initiative with many community groups including the YMCA, Friendship House and Jimmy Macs all busy knitting for the campaign.
Grant said, 'This campaign is an annual event where we want to get people knitting for those who need help the most. For this first year, it's the troops. I thought it was important that I try it myself, and it really is quite easy and fun once you get started. Luckily I had the experience of a tutor, and I urge everyone to get involved and learn!'
For more details, call Grant's office on 01707 262632 or email him at [email protected]
Check out www.welhats.com for full details, patterns and photos of the campaign